Monday, October 19, 2015

Tulisan dari bu Lucy : Tentang Sinode Luar Biasa

Dear All,

Sinode Luar Biasa mengenai keluarga sudah memasuki minggu ketiga dan sudah begitu banyak berita-berita tentang sinode (yang belum sempat saya share), antara lain mengenai :

- Berita tentang aturan2 sinode yang sarat dengan manipulasi (untuk meng-goal-kan ide-ide liberal) ;
- Intervensi dari PF yang membuka peluang untuk pembahasan proposal mengenai pemberian komuni kepada pasangan bercerai yang menikah lagi secara sipil, dan perkawinan sejenis ; 
- Beredarnya sirkulasi propaganda homoseksual di tengah-tengah sinode ; 
- Kardinal pendukung LGBT menjadi moderator dalam kelompok diskusi berbahasa Inggris ; 
- Adanya seorang pastor yang mengaku bahwa dirinya adalah gay dan memiliki pacar (gay), yang membuatnya dicopot dari jabatannya.. 
- Surat dari 13 orang kardinal kepada PF yang mempertanyakan tentang sinode dan memprotes berbagai manipulasi dalam sinode..
- Surat Terbuka kepada para Bapa Sinode dari 100 orang Katolik yang bertobat dari kepercayaan lain, dimana diantaranya terdapat nama Scott Hahn, profesor teologi yang pindah dari Gereja Kristen Presbiterian ke Katolik dan banyak menulis buku-buku tentang ajaran dan iman Katolik.. 
- PF mendorong Gereja agar menjadi lebih ter-desentralisasi (berita tentang ini saya share di bawah) dan berbagai berita-berita lainnya.. 
(berita-berita dan link-link mengenai sinode akan saya share di email tersendiri)

Membaca berita-berita tentang sinode serasa menonton suatu pertandingan yang membuat kita was-was, deg-deg-an, harap-harap cemas, seru sendiri, gemas, namun sebagai penonton kita tak bisa apa-apa kecuali hanya memberi support kepada "jagoan" kita. Begitu pula rupanya yang dirasakan oleh Dr. Kelly Bowring, beliau beberapa kali menulis catatan/pesan (di media sosial), antara lain :

Does anyone see what is really going on?
Over the past three years, as things have been unfolding within the Church, I've noticed that almost no one sees what's really going on. No one. Except... those who accept authentic prophecy.
Sure, many people have begun to see that there is something going on, and they have tried to analyze it and speculate about it, but many of these people are the very ones who reject authentic prophecy at the same time. 
How unfortunate. Because while they get what's going on in part, they miss the full picture of what's unfolding, and often end up misleading others about it.
Sadly, this in turn prevents the faithful from being able to respond fully as God wills and help to avoid what is coming.
If you are currently among the ones who actually see what is going on and also knows what is coming, take a moment to thank the Lord for the gift his authentic prophecy. And pray for others to see.
Authentic prophecy is the road map to the signs of the times, it is the full battle plan of the entire war that is now unfolding.

Most of you reading this are by now already awake. But not all. Some of us are still trying to find some orthodox explanation for the actions of Pope Francis.
The signs, however, are there – if you only open your eyes to look for them.

dan yang terbaru adalah sebuah pesan, seruan kepada para Bapa Sinode yang setia, sebagai bentuk dukungan dan upayanya memberikan semangat kepada mereka, yaitu :

URGENT Message to the faithful Cardinals of the 2015 Synod

Dear Synod Cardinals:

Do NOT break from the synod, do NOT threaten a coup. This will be interpreted as you initiating and activating the schism, which you would then be blamed for causing. Don't leave the synod.

INSTEAD, allow yourselves to be pulled somewhat by the (secretly) masonic and diabolic leaders who have taken over the Church and are now holding the true Faith hostage (all as prophecy warned they would), and do so PROTESTING and taking OFFENSE publicly each step of the way (as some of you have been doing already so courageously). THIS will help to wake up the faithful, while also keeping you in right union with the true Church. It will also help to awaken and admonish your fellow Bishops.

WAIT for it. THEN, when the Pope promulgates a new (pastoral) teaching or (liturgical) practice that actually, finally, and clearly steps over the truth of the Faith (like blessings for homosexual unions), boldly and decisively DECLARE publicly and in a united way that he has breached the true Faith. Give him due warning and process (as much as is possible), and upon being ignored or dismissed, finally PRONOUNCE that he has indeed broken union with Christ and the true Church. This is your MOMENT TO RESIST him!

Rome WILL lose the Faith. LET the false prophet then be the one to move the church into the schism. Afterwards, as he thus proceeds to build his false church, and after you have declared that it is your sacred duty to now publicly OPPOSE him, do so also by declaring that you will not leave the true Church as he has done... BUT THAT instead you will REMAIN faithful to the truth of Christ and the true Magisterium.

THEN you must focus on UNITING the (remnant) faithful by CALLING all faithful Catholics to remain united with you in the true Church.

FINALLY steadily and peacefully LEAD the remnant through these prophesied times.

So, simply 1) STAY where you are in the true Church PROTESTING and taking OFFENSE when necessary concerning what is threatening the Faith, and prepare to 2) STAND your ground at the right time -- to RESIST the errors and eventually OPPOSE the heresy and schism. Then 3) UNITE and 4) LEAD the remnant faithful to the era of peace.

KNOW that all of this has been prophesied. Through His authentic PROPHECY, God has made provisions and wants you to know the signs of the times are at hand. The unfolding of prophecy that has already taken place should help to make this clear to you now. No matter how things seem, victory is assured. The Two Hearts will triumph and reign anew.

BEST ADVICE: Authentic prophecy in the Spirit, with special invocation to Our Lady's protection, are your BEST GUIDES moving forward.

Be at peace and know that our prayers are with you, Dr. Kelly Bowring

Dari catatan2 dan pesan Dr. Kelly di atas kita dapat memahami atau setidaknya membaca apa yang sedang terjadi... yaitu, digelarnya peristiwa demi peristiwa sebagai penggenapan nubuatan-nubuatan ilahi yang otentik, namun tampaknya, secara khusus, Dr. Kelly merujuk kepada nubuatan-nubuatan dalam Kitab Kebenaran yang disampaikan melalui Maria Divine Mercy (hanya Kitab Kebenaran yang membuka secara gamblang dan rinci proses "penyaliban" Gereja oleh Nabi Palsu, dan hanya KK yang merujuk PF sebagai Nabi Palsu itu - karenanya KK menimbulkan pro dan kontra, bahkan ditentang banyak orang sebagai pesan2 palsu. Bahkan, juga setelah nubuatan2nya mulai tergenapi, belum semua orang bisa menerima dan mengakui ke-otentikan-nya - seperti yang ditulis Dr. Kelly di atas). 

Sinode masih berlangsung sampai tgl. 25 Okt yad. Bagaimana akhir dari pertandingan ini? Rasanya sedikit banyak sudah bisa kita duga... Setelah itu, tinggal umat yang harus memilih : Gereja mana yang akan diikuti, yang modern atau yang ortodoks ???  Pilihan ada di tangan masing-masing dari kita... dan disinilah kita kembali diuji dalam kesetiaan kita, dan dalam proses discernment kita untuk memilih yang benar atau yang sesat.

Semoga Roh Kudus membuka mata, telinga, hati, pikiran dan budi kita, dan mencurahkan Karunia Discernment (Pembedaan) kepada kita semua, agar dapat memilih yang Benar, yang membawa kita kepada keselamatan !

Marilah kita teruskan support kita kepada para Bapa Sinode yang setia, "jagoan" kita... melalui doa-doa kita dan puasa kita kalau perlu..

Semoga Tuhan menuntun, melindungi dan memberkati kita semua... Amin.



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